
Rough notes


variance - how far is the value from the mean, square that to get rid of negatives np.mean(np.square(x-mean))

standard deviation (std) - more sensitive to outlier because you are squaring values `np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(x-mean)))

mean absolute deviation - instead of multiplying to get rid of the negatives we just take there absolute values, np.mean(np.absolute(x-mean))

covarince - tells us if variables are positively or neagative correlated there is no mean atributed to the size of the result. np.mean((x - xmean)*(y-ymean)) to solve this enter correlation

correlation - results in a number lies in a range from -1 to 1. 1 indicates posiitve correlation, -1 a negative correlation

np.mean((x - xmean)*(y-ymean))/ np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(x-mean))* np.mean(np.square(y-ymean)))


Softmax vs binary loss

softmax assumes there is always a class present in the image and ?? will always look to maximise a prediction?? .This becomes and issue when data contains muliple classes or no classes.

muliti-label binary classification is the likelehood that data contains a class and is independent from the other class logits. You can have two classes with the same likilehood in a sample.

Callbacks and hooks

using callbacks and hooks to inspect model activations including the

Nomralisation in the model

Why do we need to do it?


Jermeys running-batch-norm